President Jim Gordey and Vice-President Fred Anderson

 Secretary Kellye Watkins and Treasurer Randy Watson


Betsy Earnhart, Carol Rowden, Kedrick Beckett, Melanie Nattin, Buddy Presley, Steve King, Gail Gibney, Marcy Asbury, and Ann Paro.

Upperclassman Representatives

(Row 1) Jim Gordey, Fred Anderson, Randy Watson, Kellye Watkins, Buddy Presley. (Row 2) Jeri Brown, Rodney Bailey, Brenda Shackelford, Sheila Snow, Renee Hawkins. (Row 3) Becky Martin, Bebbie Broussard, Kevin Brunk, Ozzie Binford, Vivian Robinson. (Row 4) Brian Burgess, Carol Rowden, Melanie Nattin, Kedrick Beckett, Regina Ellison, Andy Harris.

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