Quarterbacks and Tailbacks

(Row 1) Bruce Hand, Cornelious Harris, Dough Carter, Phil Jones. (Row 2) Chris Cirinna, Chuck McManus, Matt Ford, Bobby Hulet, Martin Lopez.

Wingbacks and Fullbacks

(Row 1) Ron Brown, Gerald Martin, Jim Gatlin, Daryl Henderson. (Row 2) Tony Mays, Billy Wright, Doug Carter, Gary Washington.

Split Ends and Tight Ends

(Row 1) Napoleon Carter, Bruce Halsey, James Dennis, Al Kyson, Burl Winston. (Row 2) Dan McGrath, Ricky Griffin, Rocky Wendt, Mike Mays, Tim McGrath, Wesley Pickard.

Guards and Centers

(Row 1) Scott Mullins, Billy Tolleson, Joe Young, Kenneth Seanard, David Mallory, Jeff Roszkowski. (Row 2) James Bailey, Jeff Carter, Steve Minner, Ricky Holcomb, Terry Henrikson, Randy Cordell.


(Row 1) Kelly Jones, Ronald Adkins, Ray Richardson, Randy Watson, Scott Kimsey. (Row 2) Bruce Minor, Mark Bass, James Duet, Roger Blair.

Football Managers

John Duet and Glenn Carter

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